Jack Alan Levine
Success Blast
Nationally known Author, Speaker & Addiction Expert is a 11-time author
and sought after national speaker to companies, colleges, religious groups and other organizations.

"This is it. A book that finally gives honest, real-world advice on what it takes to work hard, to fight for what you want, and succeed big. I'm already a well-read, successful executive and within the first few pages, I simply HAD to start taking notes on all the powerful, creative ideas and inspiring stories that Jack Levine shares in these pages. This book will Blast you up to a whole new level!" Aaron W. Kassler, Merrill Lynch Vice President & Senior Financial Advisor.
"Wow! What a tremendous contribution Jack has made to us through his new book. My only regret is that I didn't have these nuggets of wisdom earlier in my business life. What I love is the way Jack articulates from personal experience time-proven business success principles. Just the "Take Action" ideas at the end of each chapter will transform your life and business. I can't wait to see the incredible results I get as I continue to apply the content in this book!" Jim Collins Author of Beyond Positive Thinking and The Secret to Abundant Living.
"Definitely goes on top of my list of Great Business Books! Great career insights packed into a very fun read. A book I will not stop referring back to." Andre Kursancew RBC Capital Markets Director of Mergers and Acquisitions Deutsche Bank, Former Director VP Mergers and Acquisitions.
"I wish I would of had this information at the start of my career... Great Advice! Read it and use this powerful tool! Mark W. Koch Prelude Pictures, Chairman.
"Jack's advice to my students in the College of Business has helped launch many successful careers in a variety of industries. The business, marketing, management and entrepreneurial students that Jack spoke to were mesmerized by his passion, experience, knowledge and encouragement, but most of all they were blown away as they received from Jack the education of a lifetime! Now you can have it too... read Success Blast, it's the best investment in your career or business you could ever make! You won't be sorry!" Joseph Patton Management Professor at Florida Atlantic University, Former Management Professor at the University of Miami.
"Jack Levine does a masterful job of laying out a pathway for success for anyone that wants to pursue a career in business. Success Blast is inspirational and motivating. As a 35 year executive in the private sector, I highly recommend this book for individuals of all ages. Well done Jack!" Buck Martinez Senior Director Project Development at FPL (Florida Power & Light) and Founder and President Student ACES.
"Mix together your own perseverance with a highly successful and deeply wise guide and you cannot fail. Jack Alan Levine - and his newest, wonderful book, Success Blast - is your guide! I deeply trust Jack, and love this book!" Dr. John Stahl-Wert Founder and Owner, Newton Institute Internationally Bestselling Author, The Serving Leader
"Jack's book is your SOS (secrets of success) for career and business success."
Ray Holden Miller's Ale House President/COO