Jack Alan Levine

Jack has spoken to thousands of people over the last 20+ years on dealing with and successfully overcoming addiction to find Freedom for Life. Sharing his personal story and experiences with his own addiction and recovery as well as sharing the heartbreaking tale of family members and friends battle with addiction, Jack knows first hand about being an addict and being a parent. He also knows personally how to have victory over addiction and to live a life FREE from addiction.
Author Jack Alan Levine gives us a fresh insight into the timeless truths of God's word. With stories, insights and analogies into the word of God, you will have your perspective shifted and see the truth in a way you never have before. Meant to enlighten, inspire, encourage and give every believer a closer walk with God. Your understanding of the truth of God in this book we'll both enable and force you to take the "blinders off" your own eyes and see God and His word as it really is.
This new godly perspective will be your path and your key to the abundant Christian life that every believer desires. Don't miss out... make sure that you read it and see for yourself. There may be some who say this is my perspective already, that would be wonderful, but unfortunately, there are few of us today who claim to be believers in Jesus Christ who truly have a proper perspective on God. We need the proper perspective of God to be to step in and live in the freedom, happiness and joy that God designed for us to experience in this lifetime.
Author Jack Alan Levine has put together an all-encompassing, never-before-seen compilation of addiction recovery opinions, ideas, and principles based on the real-life experience of addiction professionals and experts. The book details what has worked and what hasn’t, providing all the information you need to make intelligent decisions regarding your personal struggle or a loved one’s struggle with addiction and, more importantly, with recovery.
Start your dream business!
Live the life you always imagined
Overcome any type of addiction for life
Motivate and Inspire your staff and employees
Dramatically increase sales and profits in your business!
Map out your personal game plan to the greatest life ever!
By speaking at your Business Conference, Sales Meetings, Church Service, Men's Ministry Events,
Overcoming Addiction Seminar and other Special Events!​